Bed Bug Prevention

Customized pest prevention solutions for your home or business.

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(774) 240-0606

Bed Bug Prevention

Early detection is key for the successful control and prevention of a major infestation. These pests are small, cryptic and agile, making them extremely difficult to treat without a professional exterminator. They prefer to hide close to where they feed, and if necessary, they’ll crawl up to several feet for a meal. Initial infestations tend to be around beds, but these pests will eventually scatter throughout your home or building occupying any crevice. Furthermore, these pests are hitchhikers, and they don’t necessarily need a bedroom to find a meal. They’ve been found in schools, movie theaters, college dorms, nursing homes, hotels and even hospitals.

Contact Us Anytime

I service mainly Southeastern MA and RI—anywhere from Boston to Fall River,
New Bedford to Natick and anywhere in between.

Call for a Free Quote

(774) 240-0606